On December 28, Japan panicked

As the epidemic gradually went out of control, Japan had to break the boat and finally make a decision to seal the country. On the 26th of local time, the Japanese government announced that from 28th 0:00 local time until the end of January next year suspense foreign entry fully. Hope it will not affect field in Phoenix Terminal Blocks, Plastic Reflector and Pcb Connector.

The Japanese government finally realized the problem. The "Buddha system" really doesn't matter. If we want to protect the economy and resist the epidemic successfully, we can’t get both fish and bear paw

Suspension of "new entry"

According to Kyodo news agency, the Japanese government announced on December 26 entry blockade measures escalated: from December 28 until the end of January next year, new entry from all countries and regions was suspended. Earlier, the Japanese government on the 24th suspended the entry of passengers from the United Kingdom except Japanese nationals.

According to Nikkei news, suspended "new entry" refers to new visa applications to enter Japan foreigners. During the period of entry restrictions, Japanese citizens returning from abroad and foreigners with medium- and long-term "stay in Japan "(temporary residence) may still enter the country, subject to 14 days of isolation. However, if foreigner who has obtained a visa has stayed in the UK or South Africa, it will not be accepted.

At the same time, a 14-day exemption for Japanese and foreign nationals holding a stay in Japan on short-term travel or entry into Japan under certain conditions will be discontinued. All persons who return to or enter Japan from a country or region that has declared a mutation in the new crown virus must obtain and submit a new crown test certificate accepted within 72 hours before leaving the country.

Other hand, the Japanese government has resumed business contacts with China, Singapore and South Korea since October, and this policy change will not affect business contacts with these countries and regions. At the same time, the Japanese government confirmed that the new policy issued on the 26th to restrict entry does not include Chinese mainland and South Korea, Singapore and other countries and regions with better control of the epidemic.

In response, the associate professor of the School of International Relations of Liaoning University, told the Beijing Business Daily that the current "state of the country" in Japan is not without difference, mainly based on the consideration of maintaining foreign trade, maintaining it at a low level, not completely cutting off foreign trade links, but reducing travel to and from Japan for travel purposes or non-essential purposes which is likely to play a negative role in foreign tourists' travel to Japan.

Behind the emergency border control decision is the intensification of the epidemic in Japan. According to the Japan Broadcasting Association, Japan reported 3881 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia from 0:00 to 10:00 local time on the 26th. The number of new confirmed cases a day hit a new high for four consecutive days.

At the same time, Japan also appeared a new virus infection cases, and the virus in Japan for the first time human transmission phenomenon. On Dec.25, Japan reported five cases of variant coronavirus infection, Kyodo News reported. Five people have been in the UK recently, including four men and one woman. In addition to the impact of the new crown virus, several countries around the world have sounded the alarm of the avian influenza epidemic, avian influenza has also spread to the Japanese capital circle.

Post time: Dec-30-2020