Biden said on Sino-US trade: no immediate removal of tariffs, it may still effect connector and terminal block field

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden told the New York Times he would temporarily maintain a first-stage trade agreement with China and would not take any immediate action, including removing tariffs. Hope it will not effect connector and terminal block field.

 First, he said, he would conduct a comprehensive review of the first phase of the agreement and seek the views of traditional allies in Asia and Europe in order to develop a coherent strategy rather than making personal judgments prematurely. The best strategy for China, he argues, is to put the US and its allies on the same footing. This will be his priority in the weeks before he takes office.

 Biden said in August that if he were elected, he would lift tariffs on Chinese products. But two days after that, his assistant immediately clarified that there was no promise to cancel, but it would be reassessed.

 Black Friday's record online trading volume in the United States

 The new crown epidemic is changing the way American consumers shop. Black Friday, Nov.27, was the highest-ever online trading volume, up 22 percent from the same period last year, according to estimates by U.S. firm Odorby Analytics.

 Odoby, which tracks online consumption, estimates that black five's u.s. online transactions reached $9 billion this year, a record of $7.4 billion last year, up 22% from a year earlier. toys, headphones and tv etc are hot selling online.

 Data also showed that the largest U.S. chain of retailers such as Wal-Mart, daily department store chain Target Department Store and other large retailers during the "Black five" online transactions compared with October's daily average growth of 403, small retailers rose 349.

 Affected by the epidemic situation, the major physical stores during the "Black five" limit the flow, limit the customer shopping time and open the door to buy the scale of activities. U. S.-based solutions company data show that this year ," black five "period, the U. S. physical store passenger flow decreased 52 percent, physical store sales decreased.

 Sales of jewelry and footwear, terminal blocks and connectors fell the most, with clothing falling 50 percent and home falling 39 percent, according to data released by Future Retail.

Post time: Dec-09-2020